
Used in screenings for oral cancer and other diseases, the VELscope uses tissue florescence to reveal any cellular, structural, and/or metabolic activity changes occurring inside of your mouth and gums.

What is VELscope?

VELscope is used in oral cancer screening, which may be the best way to detect oral cancer early. Your hygienist can use this technology for early detection.

That means that the VELscope has the potential to detect pre-cancer, cancer, and other illnesses, often before any symptoms are visible – and early detection is vital for improving rates of successful treatment, and maintaining a high quality of life.

How is the VELscope procedure done?

A VELscope screening can be performed in about two minutes during routine hygiene exams, and doesn’t require the use of dyes. This makes it one of the most efficient oral health screening methods that exist today.

How can I get an oral cancer scan at my next appointment?

As in most cancers, early detection is very important. During your appointment, your hygienist will use the VELscope to perform a very thorough examination of your mouth, head and neck to check for any abnormalities in these areas.

This routine examination can be done as part of your regular hygiene appointment. 

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